Cart overview
1. Is the product ready-to-ship or pre-order?
AnswerAll of the products are ready-to-ship (shipping within 7 days up to the number of order in the point of time). In case pre-order product, there will be additional sign showing in the product description.
2. Quality of Belle socks ?
AnswerWe’re premium quality socks that made in Thailand. We use different techniques to produce an unique functional pair of socks that will suit you in every lifestyle routine.
3. When will my order ship ?
AnswerAfter we have received your order, we will be start shipping in the next day and there will be a tracking number in your order. Please note that we do not ship on weekends and public holidays.
4. Is there’s still have the item in store ?
AnswerIf the item is still live on our site, there will be the item in store that you can order.
5. Can I check the number of the items that I want to order ?
AnswerYes, you can fill in the number you want and add to cart. If you can not add to cart, there’s not enough items.
6. If I want to be part of Belle socks as a dealership ?
AnswerYou can fill in the information at the Dealership site